Zend_Application and other 1.8 components

Zend_Application has made quite some progress within the last weeks. The base structure and it's regarding unit-tests are nearly completly done, and there are just some resources and the documentation missing. You can yet test and use the prototype from the incubator.

Beside that, the Zend_Tag_Cloud API is completly done and just waiting for the final code review. After that I just have to finish the unit-tests and the documentation for it. Another 1.8 feature will be the chaining of path-based routes. This feature is already in trunk and just waits for a good documentation.

Another new sub-component, which will probably make it into 1.8 as well is the Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Translatable. This route allows the translation of variable parameters and static parts on-the-fly.

Also, Dolf Schimmel is currently trying to finish ZendX_Whois for the next release as well. As there is still some work to do, it is not certain yet if it will be done in time. Anyway, my other component Zend_Ical has to be postponed for some more time (probably 1.9 then) again.