Zend_Config_Xml and the Incubator

Finally the ZF guys managed to enable my SVN access to the ZF repository. Ralph is cleaning up some stuff which is lying around in the Incubator, then I can commit the attribute support for Zend_Config_Xml there. Since it is complete and the unit tests for it exist it won't take long to move from the incubator to the core. So, I guess it will be available in the next major release (1.6), or maybe even in the next mini release. I don't know about the manual yet but I will ask Ralph about that later.

And well, which proposal is next? Good question, currently Zend_Ical is pending for recommendation but has been for a long time. My liaison of that proposal has not contacted me yet. So I bet one of the other proposals will make it first. Maybe Zend_Config_Db or Zend_Whois.

Update: Zend_Config_Xml Attribute support is now in the incubator.