And a new design finally arrived

Hey folks,

how you surely noticed, if you visited my website before, has the design of the site changed. But it's not only that. I have rewritten the entire website to work with the Zend Framework 1.5.1. It's kinda not finished yet, but I wanted to upload the current status so I can force myself to finally finish it.

The new design is written with nice CSS 2.1, and was tested without further bug-fixing needed on Firefox 2.x/3.x, Opera 9.x and Safari 3.x. As Microsoft is still ways behind the current web standards, you will get an a bit crapped layout, but who cares (I don't).

The blog section is finished yet, as well as Files, About and Contact. The site search also works for the articles so far. The register form will follow soon, but the login as well as the password recovery are implemented yet. I will add the Tremradio microsite and the guestbook in the following days, but I don't know about the forum yet. It was never really used, so I may drop it, until there comes a real need for it. The development section will arrive last.

If you are interested, how the site is built, you may want to have a look at the Behind the site section. There you can also take a look at the current source code.

If you find any bugs in the current version of the website, please inform me about it.

Best regards,
Ben Scholzen 'DASPRiD'

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